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A structured curriculum rooted in early childhood development Music Together®'s curriculum is a very structured programme delivered in an immersion environment that is very fun and playful.

Want to experience a family music class at MerryMamas for yourself? Visit a class anytime. Fill in our form to find a class time that works for you, drop us a line, and we'll be in touch to confirm your visit. Questions or need assistance? Give us a call at +65 9843 1266 or contact us online.

Still Unsure? Take questionnaire to see if Music Together® classes suit you and your child

Is Music Together® for me?

Take our Questionnaire.
I believe that learning through play is important and they learn best in a stimulating and playful environment
Young children should have exposure to music at a young age
I am looking for a music curriculum that focuses on using songs with varying tonality, rhythm and music from different cultures
I, as your child’s main caregiver, am an important person to extend my child’s music education outside of school
I would like to receive some music education to facilitate my children’s musical journey
I think it is important to make up words or sounds in songs
It is fine with me if my child learns music without the need to pick up an instrument like piano or violin during the early childhood years
I prefer the suzuki method of formal music instrument learning (learning by hearing as opposed to learning by reading notes)

If you have more YES/TRUE than NO/NOT TRUE, Music Together®’s classes is more likely suited for you and your child.

Trial Class